Tea, cake and Paganini

I have noticed recently how settled and comfortable I now feel as I start my daily practice routine. It has become as much a part of my day as cleaning my teeth and of course my morning cup of tea. The days when I would get up with a ‘knot’ in my stomach, feeling anxious as soon as I opened my eyes, already worrying about the next exam, audition, ‘getting’ an especially challenging passage in a Paganini caprice absolutely correct, are long gone.

Instead there is a wonderful feeling of open-ended exploration. Although of course I have plenty of goals and a clear idea of where I would like my violin journey to go I am no longer attached to any particular result. I’m no longer emotionally tied to that goal.

What would have made me feel completely at sea sometime ago, now allows complete freedom to explore all paths with openness and joy, with excitement of the unknown treasures to be discovered along the way. And of course I now enjoy every moment along the way far more with that freedom whether in practising in the morning or simply going through life enjoying the moment.

Ironically I do realise now that in releasing this emotional attachment to goals and being more ‘in one’s flow’ that our true self is discovered and as a result one’s true life purpose is revealed, enabling one to actually achieve the original goal one set in  the first place and with greater ease.

This afternoon I am going to help make a cake..it will be interesting to see if I can remain unattached to that result!

It would be great to hear your thoughts

All the best


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